BAWSI High School

Grades 9th - 12th

Leadership Accelerator Program

BAWSI's Leadership Accelerator Program for Girls through Sport builds healthy habits, self-confidence and leadership through sport with the long-term goal of improving life outcomes and career success for girls from under-resourced neighborhoods from 2nd through 12th grade.

BAWSI High School builds upon BAWSI Elementary and Middle School programs by continuing leadership development, supporting girls participation in sport, and providing opportunities to pay it forward by volunteering on nearby BAWSI Girls playgrounds.

Leadership sessions with girls’ sports-based team participants.

Career and professional development opportunities.

Volunteer opportunities at nearby BAWSI Girl elementary schools.

College Game Day and Career Game Day field trips.

Our BAWSI participants told us:

“I learned a lot. I learned a leader doesn’t have to be good at everything, and a leader can learn from others, that’s what I think makes a good leader, hearing out other people.”

“Being on this team is important to me because I feel like I accomplished something.”

“I really enjoyed having college student mentors, felt like they were someone I could look up to and hoped to be in their shoes one day.”

Current BAWSI High School Site:

  • 1835 Cunningham Ave, San Jose, CA 95122

Join the fun!

BAWSI needs amazing volunteers to support our athletes. Get in touch today.